Be an Archaeologist!
Workshop length: 1 hour
Suitable for: KS1-3
This workshop introduces classes to the work of archaeologists in a fun and accessible way. Students can take part in team challenges, that allow them to handle and identify real archaeological finds.
During the workshop children can:
• Learn about archaeological techniques.
• Learn how to identify Roman pot shards.
• Handle original archaeological material.
• Take part in a mini dig.
• Look at the differences between a Palaeontologist and an Archaeologist.
National curriculum links:
History (Romans and local history)
Science (Bones, the human body, survival and decay)
Technology (changes over time)
• Pupils will identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods
• Pupils will learn about events beyond living memory
KS2 – 3
• Pupils will make a local history study
• Pupils will make a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends their chronological knowledge beyond 1066
• Pupils will learn about archaeology and the importance of different types of archaeological evidence in understanding the past