All school bookings are taken in advance, whether you are visiting independently or for a facilitated workshop.
Folkestone Museum has free entry, and it’s recommended that you visit the Museum in advance to meet the staff who are happy to show you around and discuss ideas for your workshop. You will also receive a detailed information pack which includes risk assessment advice from Folkestone Museum; all sessions can be tailored to individual SEND group requirements.
You can also use our web-based learning resource FM Learning Online [CLICK HERE] as a pre-visit primer or for post-visit project work with your school group.
How much do workshops cost?
We charge for workshops depending upon length. For a one hour workshop, the cost is £100, and for a two-hour workshop including further hands-on, creative activities, the cost is £165. If you need to bring a smaller group due to additional needs, please contact the museum to discuss pricing options.
When are workshops held?
Workshops are usually held Tuesdays to Thursdays 10am-3pm unless by prior arrangement. Alternatively, we can occasionally come to schools for outreach sessions. There is a £30 outreach fee to cover travel costs.
Schools membership scheme
Schools wishing to book workshops for every class in the school, visiting throughout the academic year, are eligible for our discounted schools membership scheme. The scheme also includes one free loans box per class and the chance to curate fortnight long displays of students work in the schools display case.
As an example, a school of 10 classes booking all their workshops at the start of the year receive a 25% discount when booking 10 one hour (£100) workshops, therefore paying £750 rather than £1000; the discount applies to extended workshops too.
Our terms and conditions:
We can take a maximum of 33 children per workshop which must include a minimum ratio of 1 adult per 6 children for KS 1-2 and 1 adult per 15 children for KS 3-4.
If you wish to cancel after booking a workshop, cancellation fees will be charged as below:
• 14 days or less from the date of the workshop: full workshop cost is payable.
• 15-30 days before the date of the workshop: 50% of workshop cost is payable.
• More than 30 days before the date of the workshop: no charge.
• All cancellations & amendments must be confirmed by contacting the Museum.
How to book