Rocks, Fossils and Dinosaurs

Learn about the ground beneath our feet and some of Folkestone’s first inhabitants!

This workshop can be adapted for EYFS, KS 1/2/3

Discover how rocks and fossils formed, in this fun interactive workshop, using some impressive specimens from Folkestone and the wider world. Find out about the dinosaurs who really lived here in the past, and the evidence which helps us learn about them.


Workshop Length: 1 hour

This interactive session uses all your sensory skills as you get up close to real life fossils. Discover what these specimens would have looked like whilst alive, then see if you can identify different dinosaurs! Finally get crafty and make dinosaur masks or create your own clay fossil imprints to take home.

National curriculum links:

EYFS: Communication and Language, Physical Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design.


Workshop length: 1-2 hours

Back to basics! Take a look at the make up of the ground beneath our feet and identify the types of rock found here in Folkestone. Find out how fossils form and the important information we can learn from them. Then discover the dinosaurs that lived right here in Folkestone millions of years ago. This fun, interactive workshop gives pupils a unique opportunity to get up close (and even touch!) impressive specimens from Folkestone and the wider world.

During the workshop you can:

Learn to identify different types of rock.

Smash a geode and marvel at what’s inside! (by request)

Watch a volcano explode!

Recreate how a fossil is formed.

See the dinosaur footprint.

Make your own clay fossil imprint to take home.

National curriculum links:


Science: Scientific Enquiry, Changes over time, noticing patterns, grouping and classifying, communicating findings, using simple scientific language. Compare herbivores and carnivores, identify, and name a variety of common animals, materials. Differences between things that are living and dead.


Science: Gathering, recording, and classifying. Looking for patterns and relationships. Year 3 Rocks: Compare and group together different types of rock, describe how fossils are formed. How rocks change over time. Teeth of carnivores and herbivores. Year 6: Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the earth millions of years ago. Work of Mary Anning.

Geography: Explore different kinds of rocks, including those in the local environment. Volcanoes

Chemistry/Geography/Geology (Creation and structure of rocks and fossils, coastal erosion).