Living in a Roman Villa.
Workshop length: 1 to 2 hours
Suitable for: KS1-3
You are Alpinianus, a scribe recently arrived from Rome. Find out what life was like in the villa at East Wear Bay. Use clues to work out who the inhabitants of the villa might have been. Explore what the Romans ate, what jobs they did and how they spent their spare time. Dress up as a Roman and make your very own Roman bulla to take home.
During the workshop, you can:
• Practice writing with a wax tablet & stylus.
• Investigate mystery Roman artefacts.
• Play with a Roman board game.
• Try on a Centurion’s helmet.
• Dress up as a Roman.
• Make a Roman bulla necklace.
National curriculum links:
• Pupils learn about significant historical events, people and places in their own locality
• Pupils will identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods
• Pupils will learn about events beyond living memory
KS2 – 3
• Pupils will make a local history study
• Pupils will make a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends their chronological knowledge beyond 1066
• Pupils understand the impact of the Roman Empire on Britain