What is megafauna?

Its large or giant animals! Here at the Museum we talk about Pleistocene megafauna; that’s giant ancient animals such as existed during the Ice Age thousands of years ago.

Folkestone had woolly rhinos and mammoths, the remains of which you can see in our displays. One thing that hasn’t been found here is a smilodon, you may know them better as sabre tooth tigers! But for this week’s MakeIt! you will find them as we’re making smilodon face masks!

Activities run downstairs in our learning space (11am-12.45pm and 1.30pm-3.30pm), are FREE and are suitable for ages 4-11,  but if you’re older or younger you’ll still be more than welcome!

Activities are free, with no booking necessary, although if it gets a little busy we may have limits numbers for everyone’s comfort and safety.

For further details CLICK HERE to go to our contact form, call 01303 257946 and select option 0 (office hours only) or call into Folkestone Museum & Town Hall.

October 8 @ 11:00
11:00 — 15:30 (4h 30′)